Its friday and I've already been celebrating my weekend for a day! Its wonderful to have more days of freedom than days of class, but I'm seriously overwhelmed by my classes. I think the time I spend in them is at least equivalent to the amount of hours in spend in class at home over five days. I mean, four hours of straight class? They don't automatically include time for passing periods. And everything is in spanish! This was my choice, but its a bit overwhelming at present. I understand about 50% in most classes and even that is a word here and there so it loses its context and I'm lost. I have one more week to settle things for the semester so we shall see what happens. I am really fearing my tango theory final exam which apparently will consist of a 7-10 page paper in spanish single spaced! What?! It has to be a joke. I could barely do that in english and thats also when Ive understood what my teacher has been talking about for the past weeks! aye aye aye.
This sense of being overwhelmed has persisted for two weeks now so I guess its no wonder it has transferred to school. Is this what they call culture shock?? Maybe its not just a dance troop. I've been keeping myelf busy while I'm here so that I don't have to focus on the thousands of thoughts and emotions that are constantly bouncing around my entire brain but it probably just helps to create more stimulation. The overstimulation may contribute to my pure exhaustion at the end of everyday. I dont have to try to hard to stay busy here. There is so much to do and so much that I haven't done. I've been jetting between little tourist sights but I know that I have plenty of time to simply enjoy it all.
Its nice to stay busy also because at home its kind of lonely. Beatriz (my host mother) is home sporadically from selling cosmetics, water purifiers and redecorating apartments....all these jobs she has taken up since her husband went crazy two years and left. Last night she showed me the rolling pin she was using to make dinner and told me she should've used it on her husband... then she told me he probably deserves something stronger than that blow to the head. See, she is nice and entertaining but mostly when we're both home we are separated. I like being alone and sometimes I do make a point of going to talk to her but sometimes the conversations just die out. I think im satisfied with this arrangement though. I have plenty of freedom and yet a good amount of interaction.
I'm missing you all (as in my family and friends) terribly and the fact that I won't see all of you for still many months is definitely overwhelming me as well! I appreciate that you guys indulge me with the thought that you care to read this! Please email me or skype me!
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