A special and very unique and specific tradition to Argentina revolves around "mate". Its an infusion tea in which you pour hot water directly over the packed leaves and drink the infused liquid. It provides natural energy. Its basically the same as the yerba mate we buy in the states only the drinking of the mate is also a social experience. One person assumes the role of the server and they are also the first to try to the brew to make sure it isn't too strong or hot for the other drinkers. The drink is passed around only after each person has finished an entire cup to themselves. My first mate experience was awesome. I was served it in the home of an actual Argentine who enlightened me to some of these rules. Of course, it wasn't as formal as traditionally it can be, but there were rules nonetheless. I'm not actually sure if I liked it, but I drank it and I burnt my tongue. I guess I'll make myself like it in my effort to feel more immersed and authentically Argentine.
* Mate is served in hollowed out 'calabasas', or gourds, with special straws- 'bombillas'

1 comment:
It's great that you are trying out new things. We also learn about it through you.
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