Wowee. Its been quite a while. I wonder who is still with me. Anyone? I hope you all didnt get too discouraged by my lack of blogging and gave up on me! I need every reader I can get, seeing as how I probably started out with 4 or 5. Anyway I have good excuses. First, my parents were here for two weeks! Shout out to padres! woo! We stayed in a sweey Palermo apt. and galavanted around to all the touristy spots of Bs.As. We went to a tango show and even a day on a ranch! Then, when they headed back to the states, it was crunch time. I had been stressing about all this final work I had to do and it was time to get down to business.
I go to school on monday only to find out that my papers are due earlier than I had expected. So I freaked out for the next few days because I knew I was going to Iguazu on thursday and NOTHING was going to ruin my time. Anyway, long story short everything turned/ is turning out fine. One paper was technically cut in half. For another we were given another week. School is ridiculous. I mean, I wouldnt like anything serious and in that way its great, but it does seem to take itself too seriously. They make us swipe cards for attendance and you have all these rules about when you can and cant. Also, they arent clear about anything. I know several people, including myself who don't know when a test is or if a paper is due that day or if it was what it would even be about. So no worries, as long as I turn something in I'll pass. Its a new outlook on life.
So the exciting part of this blog. IGUAZU!!!! hands down the COOLEST thing Ive ever seen. I mean, Ive seen the Mona Lisa, leaning tower of pisa, etc. but this is different. Its NATURAL. and when aren't waterfalls gorgeous and wonderful to look at? And there are soooo many and so huge its unbelieveable. no picture or story will ever do it justice. Its no wonder it was one of the seven world wonders. We took a boat unde the falls and they get you reaaaal close to it and you scream and get soaked and yell for more and they keep doing it! like natural disneyland!
So we left our university in the evening and took an overnight bus (one bus just for ISA) to Misiones- a province in the north. There they don't use the 'll' accent that makes argentina so unique in the spanish speaking world. They awoke us at 6am to eat breakfast and then we went to see the Jesuit ruins. Remember that movie 'The Mission?'. Thats the place. Then we went to an estancia. It was a humid and hot day so the pool came in verrrrry useful. From there we walked to a yerba mate factory and saw the process of making mate for the stores and to drink. it was cool but slightly miserable for the heat. At the estancia we ate lunch and danced and lounged and drank mate- including a cold version with lemonade! At night we drove four more hours to our hotel and ate at the buffet. The next morning we went to the falls and came back to the hotel to pool it up some more. it felt good to be in a nice hotel- we're so used to hostels! So next and final day before we go to the airport we went into the jungle to see the indigenous Guarani people. Some kids sang for us and it was really cool except that it was kinda awk. and they didnt really look too enthused about our presence. It DID start raining super hard as we trekked through the red mudd too. It was a well planned and full trip and a great way to wind down our program. i love isa.